One June 27, 2022, CREA members gathered to hear about 2021 programs, elect Board members and officers, and chat with Board members and staff. The threat of rain showers made gathering on the deck outside the CREA office ill-advised, but thanks to Mid Coast Hunger Prevention’s generosity, we were able to use their spacious food bank space which awaits delivery of refrigeration units.
You can access materials for the meeting here, including the Agenda, Minutes of the 2021 Annual Meeting, slate of Board Members and Officers, and the 2021 Annual Report.
Board President Ellen Bennett was unable to attend, but she sent remarks which can be downloaded here. Vice President John Shattuck led the approval of 2021 Minutes with no changes, and the proposed slate of Board members and officers was approved.
CREA Educator Carey Truebe spoke about the many ways she and Sarah Rodgers provided science learning for elementary students in SAD75 and Brunswick School District in 2021. The 2021 school year included times when students were still learning at home 3 days/week as well as when they had returned to full in-person learning, so Sarah and Carey’s work varied quite a bit. Over the course of the year, they delivered everything from virtual field trips and short nature-based activities designed to be done at home, to in-person field trips and comprehensive teaching units bringing discovery-based science to elementary students.
Camp Director Jenny Mueller reported on the success of our fully subscribed summer camp in 2021 and the surprise of filling our 2022 camp within 45 minutes of opening registration. She led a camp activity called “When the Big Wind Blows” to give attendees a taste of CREA camp.
Executive Director Caroline Eliot delivered comments on 2021 which can be downloaded here.
The meeting then adjourned, and many attendees moved down the street to Flight Deck Brewing to enjoy beer and pizza.