CREA Camp 2024
Due to the strong demand for CREA Camp and our limited enrollment capacity, we will continue to use an online lottery system to allocate slots for our 2024 camp sessions. This system eliminates the rush to register, and allows more families to access our summer camp offerings. You’ll find all of the details below.
We are limiting enrollment to a max of 2 weeks per camper for the 2024 season. This step will help us fulfill our mission of connecting more people in our community to nature. Please know that we are exploring expansion plans for our future summer camps!
How will I enter my campers in the lottery?
A link to the lottery registration will be posted on our website and in the BTLT E-Newsletter. Families will complete one lottery form for each individual camper, listing desired weeks for that camper. Shifting to one form per camper will simplify the lottery administrative process.
When will the lottery open?
The 2024 CREA Camp registration will be open from Thursday, February 1st through Friday, February 9, 2024 at 5:00pm. You can register at any time during that period and all registrations will have equal access to the lottery.
Camper slots will be allocated between February 12- February 15, 2024. Communication with families will begin the following week.
How will I know if my camper got the weeks we wanted?
Registration communication begins the week of February 19, 2024. We will contact all families by the 23rd to let you know if you were awarded your first 2 choices (2 weeks max/camper). If your first choice of weeks are filled, you will be added to the waiting list for these weeks and we will assign your camper(s) to their other choice(s).
Do I have to pay a fee to enter the lottery?
Yes, for each submission we have a non-refundable processing fee of $10.This is the only payment needed to enter the lottery.
When do I pay for my camp weeks?
We will contact you the week on February 23rd to let you know which week(s) have been allocated to your camper(s). If these weeks still work for your schedule you will confirm this with our Camp Director via email, and will then receive an online form to complete your registration and payment. You will have until March 1st to complete these forms. If you have not registered by March 1st, you forfeit your enrollment.
What is the tuition cost for CREA Camp?
For 2024, CREA Camp cost is $315/session. BTLT Family Members ($60+) will receive a $25 discount per session of camp for each child attending ($290/session). If you have 2 children each attending 2 weeks of camp, all 4 weeks of camp would be at the Member-discounted rate of $290/week/child.
What will I need to note on the lottery form?
Below is an example of the information you will need to complete the lottery form. You will need to complete one form per camper.